Faq - Standard-Deviation Calculator


Frequently Asked Questions

If the price of the product is immediately visible, or you can quickly calculate it yourself, then the conversion rate of such Web pages is increasing.

How do I download the calculator code?

To do this, just open the desired calculator in the section “Created” and click on the link “Download calculator”. After that, the downloaded files can be used separately from our service at your discretion.

What is the difference between the new version of the service and the old one?

First, the new version of the service has a more convenient editor. Secondly, now calculators can be made adaptive, which allows users to make calculations even from mobile devices.

What is the monthly fee for the service?

There is no monthly fee for our service. We have paid rates with advanced functionality, but after the expiration of the rate, all the calculators created will continue to work in the same mode. Simply put, you pay for advanced functionality only at the stage of development of calculators, after they are created they will work all the time.